Monday, October 31, 2011
RT @claudiahristova: Ik ben echt een zombie, ik slaap te weinig
RT @claudiahristova: Ik ben echt een zombie, ik slaap te weinig
HOLY! @tayloreo is legit a zombie like happy Halloween?!
HOLY!@tayloreo is legit a zombie like happy Halloween?!
Level 50: Anything you want, I recommend maintenance
Because nothing else really matters, everything is dead.Haymaker makes me shit my pants in laughter though.
Level 44-46: Powerful Impact
6% on your weapons isn't huge, but it's noticeable. Oh, and yeah, all your weapons at this point are modified.There's no question. "But ThatGuyisHot, I don't ha-" why are you reading this? Why are you typing words?
Level 24: Regeneration
Alright, the zeds are getting a little harder to kill (not much), but now there are more infected and they're catching you off-guard.An additional 5% per minute may not seem like much but you'd be surprised. This instantly turns 3 minutes of regeneration into 2. Pretty nifty, but still, there are better talents. This just helps us get there.
Level 23: Earthshaker
Mmph. Mmmmph. :D. Blood everywhere!:D :D :D!
That being said, you'll still need a gun or two to kill humans from a distance, but this will definitely help. "I need a gun? ThatGuyisHot, why don't I take Aimed sho-" No. Head shots = kills. L2Aim. :D
Level 6-8: Tackle
Oh. The jackpot?Here it is. This singlehandedly makes Sam B the best melee player in the game. Tackle knocks down all enemies on a sprint. "Oh cool," you might say. No. What you should be saying is, "HOLY FUCK I'M A REALLY FAST STEAMROLLING TRUCK WITH PROJECTILE FISTS FOR HANDS." This talent is that good.
@zaynmalik you can be a wizard,a vampire,a leprechaun,a spoon,a @1DCyberpunk ,a Joker,a zombie,Samara,Sparrow, Harry, i
@zaynmalik you can be a wizard,a vampire,a leprechaun,a spoon,a @1DCyberpunk ,a Joker,a zombie,Samara,Sparrow, Harry, i
Today would be a bad day for a zombie uprising. "hey kick-ass costum--gah. Arg!" ded. @ravnerdwars
Today would be a bad day for a zombie uprising. "hey kick-ass costum--gah. Arg!" ded. @ravnerdwars
"lets steam it up a bit, lets have a ; << physics teacher getting into the halloween spirit.
"lets steam it up a bit, lets have a ; << physics teacher getting into the halloween spirit.
RT @javieerr: Mix cultural: ir de zombie a llevar flores a la tumba de los abuelos
RT @javieerr: Mix cultural: ir de zombie a llevar flores a la tumba de los abuelos
@truemisterX tu tentes même pas le déguisement zombie steve jobs ?!
@truemisterX tu tentes même pas le déguisement zombie steve jobs?!
@ZombieBreaker wooow xDDD and are you cosplaying a zombie mad scientisto 8D ?
@ZombieBreaker wooow xDDD and are you cosplaying a zombie mad scientisto 8D?
Sunday, October 30, 2011
RT @aNOLAmous #OccupyNOLA Event 10/31: Corporate Vampire / Consumer Zombie #March #OWS #Halloween #NOLA #Occupy Pls RT
RT @aNOLAmous #OccupyNOLA Event 10/31: Corporate Vampire / Consumer Zombie #March #OWS #Halloween #NOLA #Occupy Pls RT
Que depresión de de una ciudad tan guay como es Barcelona, y llego aquí y me entra sueño, me convierte en zombie la
Que depresión de de una ciudad tan guay como es Barcelona, y llego aquí y me entra sueño, me convierte en zombie la
Hey @pedestriandaily thanks for the costume inspiration, zombie Kardashians went down a treat!
Hey @pedestriandaily thanks for the costume inspiration, zombie Kardashians went down a treat!
Tempted to just do scary vampire/zombie/dead makeup on myself just bc its Halloween and well Im not going anywhere.
Tempted to just do scary vampire/zombie/dead makeup on myself just bc its Halloween and well Im not going anywhere.
@GLEEonSKY we had a halloween party on friday I was micheal jackson zombie on the left :)
@GLEEonSKY we had a halloween party on friday I was micheal jackson zombie on the left :)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
@ibosmiley ooh that’s not funny! :( if you become a zombie bc of your cat, can i have your recipes pls?
@ibosmiley ooh that’s not funny!:( if you become a zombie bc of your cat, can i have your recipes pls?
@pamaid23 yo estoy disfrazado de víctima de zombie igual y te gusta :) jeje
@pamaid23 yo estoy disfrazado de víctima de zombie igual y te gusta :) jeje
Oooo. Saw a Zombie on the way into town!! The Zombie walk starts at 3pm Kings Square off Stoke Croft. Anyone going?
Oooo. Saw a Zombie on the way into town!! The Zombie walk starts at 3pm Kings Square off Stoke Croft.Anyone going?
@QuinStarr operating on one hour of #zombie im at the venue now. Zombie Apocalypse!!
@QuinStarr operating on one hour of #zombie im at the venue now.Zombie Apocalypse!!
omfg im editing this picture and making zack into a zombie. lawlawlawlawl
omfg im editing this picture and making zack into a zombie.lawlawlawlawl
RT @WalkingDead_AMC: The Best Zombie Movies Are (Currently) by Director George Romero #TheWalkingDead
RT @WalkingDead_AMC: The Best Zombie Movies Are (Currently) by Director George Romero #TheWalkingDead
Friday, October 28, 2011
Haahha td club bio main plants vs zombie loh! Gaada yg ngajar, ga keurus @WG1996: Bio bgt!wkwk RT @elaine_0304: Feses!
Haahha td club bio main plants vs zombie loh!Gaada yg ngajar, ga keurus @WG1996: Bio bgt!wkwk RT @elaine_0304: Feses!
Never thought my life would turn out like this; 32 and headed for twitter/zombie farm rehab
Never thought my life would turn out like this; 32 and headed for twitter/zombie farm rehab
Zombie unicyclists are marginally plausible, but only in a B-grade flick or conceived by the writers of Battle of LA.
Zombie unicyclists are marginally plausible, but only in a B-grade flick or conceived by the writers of Battle of LA.
Hey, check it out! Our Zombie Disguise tee made it in the Wired just geeked out a little bit!
Hey, check it out! Our Zombie Disguise tee made it in the Wired just geeked out a little bit!
I had something similar happen in the city when my radar told me to go through an area that was too small for the truck
After 10 minutes of trying to get it unstuck, the truck started frantically bouncing up and down while slowly ascending a nearby street light.It was hilarious and frustrating, all at once.
Why we love zombies: Max Brooks, who wrote “The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z: An Oral History of the
Why we love zombies: Max Brooks, who wrote “The Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z: An Oral History of the
My roommate came home and made zombie noises for half an hour followed by puke noises then woke me up and accused me of
My roommate came home and made zombie noises for half an hour followed by puke noises then woke me up and accused me of
Mums dressing up as a zumba zombie for her zumba class on Halloween. How cute
Mums dressing up as a zumba zombie for her zumba class on Halloween.How cute
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Quiero jugar black ops y ponerme tensa! Y gritar cada vez que se me acerca un zombie :$
Quiero jugar black ops y ponerme tensa!Y gritar cada vez que se me acerca un zombie :$
oh god so brain dead aaaaa In other news, go to zombie prom. Tis funny.
oh god so brain dead aaaaa In other news, go to zombie prom. Tis funny.
Gonna watch some zombie movies and write one ilovezombies
Gonna watch some zombie movies and write one ilovezombies
@xoBetseyJohnson a nerd, a re-do of last years slutty indian for work, katy perry and cupcake boobs for work party, zomb
@xoBetseyJohnson a nerd, a re-do of last years slutty indian for work, katy perry and cupcake boobs for work party, zomb
SevidemiC featuring Red the Knucklehead - PARANOID. Get Your Zombie On.
SevidemiC featuring Red the Knucklehead - PARANOID.Get Your Zombie On.
I liked a @YouTube video Halloween - Zombie Wunden und Narben leicht gemacht
I liked a @YouTube video Halloween - Zombie Wunden und Narben leicht gemacht
THE ZOMBIE KIDS - Spring-Summer Tour 2011 @thezombiekids @Subterfugerec El verano calentito de ZK!!!!!!!
THE ZOMBIE KIDS - Spring-Summer Tour 2011 @thezombiekids @Subterfugerec El verano calentito de ZK!!!!!!!
Zombie .. Kalo mummy panas di perban" RT @JawabJUJUR: Mending jadi Zombie atau Mummy? #JJ
Zombie .. Kalo mummy panas di perban" RT @JawabJUJUR: Mending jadi Zombie atau Mummy?#JJ
Amazon USA #3021107 World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War $: Max Brooks “The end was near.” —
Amazon USA #3021107 World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War $: Max Brooks “The end was near.” —
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sadly I had to tell her that its in fact a Southern California tradition to pay 50 bucks and get assaulted by seasonal z
Sadly I had to tell her that its in fact a Southern California tradition to pay 50 bucks and get assaulted by seasonal z
combinación rara zombies y cooking mama jaja es gratis
combinación rara zombies y cooking mama jaja es gratis
there is a huge zombie vs human tag game going on on campus #whiteschoolstuff
there is a huge zombie vs human tag game going on on campus #whiteschoolstuff
RT @catherinefff: RT @EdwinDwinn: RT @WOWKonyol: SUMANTO is the ZOMBIE of my country. #indonesiagamaukalah
RT @catherinefff: RT @EdwinDwinn: RT @WOWKonyol: SUMANTO is the ZOMBIE of my country.#indonesiagamaukalah
Whats with horror movie survival tips? Why not how to survive zombie apocalypse? Isnt it much more practical ? LOL
Whats with horror movie survival tips? Why not how to survive zombie apocalypse? Isnt it much more practical ? LOL
Want to be a Zombie for Halloween? Here is how Walking Deads make-up and prosthetics team does it:
Want to be a Zombie for Halloween? Here is how Walking Deads make-up and prosthetics team does it:
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
@medinaaeh y asta ahorita ni un zombie :-[, ese refugio se va a poner bueno
@medinaaeh y asta ahorita ni un zombie :-[, ese refugio se va a poner bueno
RT @LOTGK: Video of the zombie horde coming over the bridge at Youngstown Zombie crawl. #Youngstown #zombies
RT @LOTGK: Video of the zombie horde coming over the bridge at Youngstown Zombie crawl. #Youngstown #zombies
@paoo26 gracias,agradezco tu me gustaria mucho ir al zombie walk, solo que queda igual de lejitos
@paoo26 gracias,agradezco tu me gustaria mucho ir al zombie walk, solo que queda igual de lejitos
“@IJohnTee123: Ive become an iPad zombie. This thing has been sitting on my lap since I got home from work 5 hours ago
“@IJohnTee123: Ive become an iPad zombie. This thing has been sitting on my lap since I got home from work 5 hours ago
I posted 24 photos on Facebook in the album "Blood Drive at the Asbury Park Zombie Walk"
I posted 24 photos on Facebook in the album "Blood Drive at the Asbury Park Zombie Walk"
Getting bored of the Walking Dead this season? Experience your own zombie infestation this Halloween. (And
Getting bored of the Walking Dead this season? Experience your own zombie infestation this Halloween. (And
gw maunya yg ada plant vs zombie RT @irenepurwanto: GAK JADI, GUA MAU MAIN FRUIT NINJA RT @Zaenardo penyakit kok ditonto
gw maunya yg ada plant vs zombie RT @irenepurwanto: GAK JADI, GUA MAU MAIN FRUIT NINJA RT @Zaenardo penyakit kok ditonto
@ahxemmy Just read this and smiled: A Best Friend Is The Person You Want To Be With Most In The Occurrence of a Zombie A
@ahxemmy Just read this and smiled: A Best Friend Is The Person You Want To Be With Most In The Occurrence of a Zombie A
I hope they havent delayed burial of Gadaffi for so long that by the time they get around to it they find he is a zombie
I hope they havent delayed burial of Gadaffi for so long that by the time they get around to it they find he is a zombie
Zombies as a symbol of society, moods, beliefs; very Interesting art "The zombie invasion" #SFaW #SFaWparadig
Zombies as a symbol of society, moods, beliefs; very Interesting art "The zombie invasion" #SFaW #SFaWparadig
Monday, October 24, 2011
RT @chelonwheels: aw, lady rainicorn pawing at the glass and saying "saranghae" to zombie jake <3
RT @chelonwheels: aw, lady rainicorn pawing at the glass and saying "saranghae" to zombie jake <3
@_DirtyGlam Ill do a zombie if it looked like that lol
@_DirtyGlam Ill do a zombie if it looked like that lol
@ckirsty80 @fionnualablack @crowanuk Deputy Rick always gets his zombie!
@ckirsty80 @fionnualablack @crowanuk Deputy Rick always gets his zombie!
Cant we all just get along? Witches accused of Zombie abuse in Salem.
Cant we all just get along?Witches accused of Zombie abuse in Salem.
Zombie mode = moody #NowListening @LCDSoundsystem "Never as Tired as when Im Waking Up"
Zombie mode = moody #NowListening @LCDSoundsystem "Never as Tired as when Im Waking Up"
After a weekend long conversation with my sister, about a hypothetical future in which a zombie like disease breaks out,
After a weekend long conversation with my sister, about a hypothetical future in which a zombie like disease breaks out,
Tengo todos los sí creo que me estoy convirtiendo en un zombie. :-\
Tengo todos los sí creo que me estoy convirtiendo en un zombie.:-\
RT @WarrenBobrow1: @StevenGrasse look out! Theres one behind you now! REDUX for Foodista Magazine/Seattle.
RT @WarrenBobrow1: @StevenGrasse look out! Theres one behind you now!REDUX for Foodista Magazine/Seattle.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
RT @MujerCabrona: Dicen que las mujeres zombie zombiencabronas
RT @MujerCabrona: Dicen que las mujeres zombie zombiencabronas
Saw the Ottawa Zombie Walk yesterday. Spent the rest of the weekend in bed getting rested up for next weekend. Yay #Hall
Saw the Ottawa Zombie Walk yesterday. Spent the rest of the weekend in bed getting rested up for next weekend. Yay #Hall
RT @artfilmch: schlüer abgewählt. ein zombie weniger.
RT @artfilmch: schlüer abgewählt.ein zombie weniger.
glad to see zombie culture alive (undead?) and well!
glad to see zombie culture alive (undead?) and well!
Zombie Diaries 2 (2011) Movie Download Free 720p BluRay: On You can download so many latest ...
Zombie Diaries 2 (2011) Movie Download Free 720p BluRay: On You can download so many latest...
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Had a blast playing a zombie at the most fabulous party I have EVER attended! #halloween
Had a blast playing a zombie at the most fabulous party I have EVER attended! #halloween
If sick of all the zombie video games, then make this your final hack at the slew of undead in I know, nothing new!
If sick of all the zombie video games, then make this your final hack at the slew of undead in I know, nothing new!
@RoniGrace Is that why theres no Zombie porn. Or at least good Zombie porn.
@RoniGrace Is that why theres no Zombie porn.Or at least good Zombie porn.
Liked my image? Say hi to the original author and owner of the image, I just use it
Liked my image?Say hi to the original author and owner of the image, I just use it
Makes me miss home…. @TheShyDork: That awkward moment when you are eating your lunch then BOOM! A ZOMBIE WALKS PAST EA
Makes me miss home….@TheShyDork: That awkward moment when you are eating your lunch then BOOM! A ZOMBIE WALKS PAST EA
@R0manMeza Sigo muy mal, MUY. No creo que pueda ir ni a la cochera hoy, menos a la marcha (aunque ya estoy zombie) :(
@R0manMeza Sigo muy mal, MUY.No creo que pueda ir ni a la cochera hoy, menos a la marcha (aunque ya estoy zombie) :(
My blackberry is such a zombie, its alive but half dead
My blackberry is such a zombie, its alive but half dead
@crazy_duckling Hardrock Zombie? Sounds interesting!
@crazy_duckling Hardrock Zombie? Sounds interesting!
Cute Anime Faces New Anime Shows List Anime Shows Like Code Geass Anime Games Free Online Videos zombie anime list
Cute Anime Faces New Anime Shows List Anime Shows Like Code Geass Anime Games Free Online Videos zombie anime list
JUST got done getting all the fake bold off my body. That took forever! But I do like being a zombie :)
JUST got done getting all the fake bold off my body. That took forever!But I do like being a zombie :)
Friday, October 21, 2011
Stencil ##zombie #hand #stencil #art #calegojack #instagram #ig #iphoneography #zombiecrawl #zombie
Stencil ##zombie #hand #stencil #art #calegojack #instagram #ig #iphoneography #zombiecrawl #zombie
@PSofNothing LOL didnt get me and I feel the same way. I was hoping for a zombie hunter to save me :D
@PSofNothing LOL didnt get me and I feel the same way. I was hoping for a zombie hunter to save me :D
Dead Island Patch Notes [Level cap lifted to 60! :O]
o quest XP rewards adjusted o XP rewards for challenges adjusted o in subsequent playthroughs XP is awarded for all quests completed in co-op
And Jesus is not a zombie. How disrespectful can some of you get?
And Jesus is not a zombie. How disrespectful can some of you get?
That awkward moment when a zombie is looking for brains and walks right by you. [Like it? ]
That awkward moment when a zombie is looking for brains and walks right by you. [Like it? ]
@KissMy_LUSCIOUS two different length legs walking like a zombie
@KissMy_LUSCIOUS two different length legs walking like a zombie
Thursday, October 20, 2011
feel like a zombie -should not! have had that snooze
feel like a zombie -should not!have had that snooze
RT @michaelianblack: If anybody steals my slutty zombie Gadhafi costume idea, Im going to be pissed.
RT @michaelianblack: If anybody steals my slutty zombie Gadhafi costume idea, Im going to be pissed.
I havent watched Walking Dead yet. Im not the biggest zombie person. But I want to get into it @TyesLoco @_ohheyronnie
I havent watched Walking Dead yet.Im not the biggest zombie person. But I want to get into it @TyesLoco @_ohheyronnie
@MioneJGranger7 // On some level, I believe in the dolphin/zombie/bear apocalypse.
@MioneJGranger7 // On some level, I believe in the dolphin/zombie/bear apocalypse.
@jasminekaedz then youre the zombie in the house right? nicenice. maybe we can try that.
@jasminekaedz then youre the zombie in the house right?nicenice. maybe we can try that.
Rick Genest // Zombie Boy – “Go Beyond The Cover” – Reversed Skin-Cover (Clip)
Rick Genest // Zombie Boy – “Go Beyond The Cover” – Reversed Skin-Cover (Clip)
@AdalRamones en esos casos definitivamente vale la pena estar como zombie toda la noche! #megawin para ti!
@AdalRamones en esos casos definitivamente vale la pena estar como zombie toda la noche!#megawin para ti!
Articles written and edited for #zombie blog – #oDesk: I need at least 50 short articles…
Articles written and edited for #zombie blog – #oDesk: I need at least 50 short articles…
RT @MAKU_SUNSHINE: ella una vampiresa y el un zombie <3 a ella sus labios le piden sangre :P el solo pide saborear su
RT @MAKU_SUNSHINE: ella una vampiresa y el un zombie <3 a ella sus labios le piden sangre :P el solo pide saborear su
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
How good is the walking dead! Love that zombie shiz!
How good is the walking dead! Love that zombie shiz!
A truck driver versus a trailerpark of zombies. Valley of Death FREE at Available for Kindle Nook etc zombie
A truck driver versus a trailerpark of zombies. Valley of Death FREE at Available for Kindle Nook etc zombie
Try and beat my Office Zombie high score of 71 points! (just checked in to Office Zombie via @heyzap)
Try and beat my Office Zombie high score of 71 points!(just checked in to Office Zombie via @heyzap)
RT @Fritzcl: @_OKcomputer @polita_000 @vhuertabohus @rroblesq @dayana3780 @Edo_agr Muchos llegan en estado Zombie a los
RT @Fritzcl: @_OKcomputer @polita_000 @vhuertabohus @rroblesq @dayana3780 @Edo_agr Muchos llegan en estado Zombie a los
And I fell asleep until Not a good move. Now I feel like a zombie. ()zzZzzzZZz
And I fell asleep until Not a good move. Now I feel like a zombie. ()zzZzzzZZz
@FeedMeBrains we are nearly 200 strong for our zombie walk in cambridge #HelpTheHorde #ZOMBIESUNITE #flashmob
@FeedMeBrains we are nearly 200 strong for our zombie walk in cambridge #HelpTheHorde #ZOMBIESUNITE #flashmob
Wanna sleep, sleeeep, sleeeeeep! *sleepy zombie mode: on*
Wanna sleep, sleeeep, sleeeeeep!*sleepy zombie mode: on*
lain cek gra @akbarsuhandi lagu spongebob eta ? RT @ijayFR: akbarsuhandi @irfandp @ryanndaa video zombie
lain cek gra @akbarsuhandi lagu spongebob eta? RT @ijayFR: akbarsuhandi @irfandp @ryanndaa video zombie
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Zombieland, the movie where Jesse Eisenberg stars as a geeky zombie apocalypse survivor, will become a tv series, under
Zombieland, the movie where Jesse Eisenberg stars as a geeky zombie apocalypse survivor, will become a tv series, under
@anniee_smiles: hoy si dormire temprano para no estar como zombie !
@anniee_smiles: hoy si dormire temprano para no estar como zombie!
@kaiguys Please RT the gameplay trailer for ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: Never Die Alone! Awesome game!
@kaiguys Please RT the gameplay trailer for ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: Never Die Alone! Awesome game!
RT @oisouumazumbi: @mariia_bombom não é a toa que eu sou uma #Zombie ;)
RT @oisouumazumbi: @mariia_bombom não é a toa que eu sou uma #Zombie ;)
RT @highlinenyc: The High Line is the safest place to survive a zombie attack. From @NYMag, w/ a great illustration by @
RT @highlinenyc: The High Line is the safest place to survive a zombie attack.From @NYMag, w/ a great illustration by @
Black Sunshine by White Zombie just popped up on my shuffle. 20 years old and still GREAT!
Black Sunshine by White Zombie just popped up on my shuffle.20 years old and still GREAT!
Cada vez que matan un zombie en The Walking Dead, Se me para el pipí. :]
Cada vez que matan un zombie en The Walking Dead, Se me para el pipí. :]
Monday, October 17, 2011
En alweer aan het werk in Breda. Oren suizen nog. Lekker als een zombie grote ramen wassen. Niet te moeilijkvandaag
En alweer aan het werk in Breda. Oren suizen nog. Lekker als een zombie grote ramen wassen. Niet te moeilijkvandaag
8. Dan melihat d dpan mata saya tmn saya brubah menjadi zombie kepala besar dan dgn cpat saya menembaknya
8.Dan melihat d dpan mata saya tmn saya brubah menjadi zombie kepala besar dan dgn cpat saya menembaknya
@dandrezner @JDanaStuster @drunkenpredator thoughts on first point of zombie outbreak and best reason why?
@dandrezner @JDanaStuster @drunkenpredator thoughts on first point of zombie outbreak and best reason why?
@KidDogg Ah Zombie VS. Shark; the eternal struggle.
@KidDogg Ah Zombie VS. Shark; the eternal struggle.
Im gonna feel like a zombie today. Have to get up in two hours :c
Im gonna feel like a zombie today. Have to get up in two hours :c
@rovingvagabond Did you just call me a zombie? Am I *that* boring?? Geez. Cookie?
@rovingvagabond Did you just call me a zombie? Am I *that* boring?? Geez.Cookie?
Sunday, October 16, 2011
If youre being chased by a #zombie dont go into the building/room that does not has sufficient lighting!
If youre being chased by a #zombie dont go into the building/room that does not has sufficient lighting!
Trying to write a five page religion paper while watching The Walking Dead isnt easy. I keep on peppering in the word zo
Trying to write a five page religion paper while watching The Walking Dead isnt easy. I keep on peppering in the word zo
@williamorr32 Hahah, bitch went HAM on it. @austinpagel12 Hahaha, id be a zombie slayer if this was real.
@williamorr32 Hahah, bitch went HAM on it. @austinpagel12 Hahaha, id be a zombie slayer if this was real.
Obama? RT @ACountryGrl: Watching the Walking Dead. Holy crap!!! Thats a good zombie right thar I tell you!
Obama? RT @ACountryGrl: Watching the Walking Dead. Holy crap!!! Thats a good zombie right thar I tell you!
Recuerden, el próximo sábado es la zombie walk toluca 2011, no falten!!
Recuerden, el próximo sábado es la zombie walk toluca 2011, no falten!!
Y cuando pregunte ¿que onda? estaba un borracho en estado zombie con una mujer enorme encima de el. Que bien hecha esta
Y cuando pregunte ¿que onda? estaba un borracho en estado zombie con una mujer enorme encima de el.Que bien hecha esta
Je me suis fait maquiller par une sois-disante maquilleuse pro, une tonne de fond de teint trop clair ; je ressemble à
Je me suis fait maquiller par une sois-disante maquilleuse pro, une tonne de fond de teint trop clair ; je ressemble à
#satire Would you watch Ke Huy Quan of the Dead? Of course you would #horror #zombies #lmao
#satire Would you watch Ke Huy Quan of the Dead? Of course you would #horror #zombies #lmao
I had 2 dreams last nite 1 of which involved a zombie attack
I had 2 dreams last nite 1 of which involved a zombie attack
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Love beyond the grave @ #nycc #cosplay #nyc #cosplay #comiccon #zombie #costume @ New York Comic Con #NYCC 2011
Love beyond the grave @ #nycc #cosplay #nyc #cosplay #comiccon #zombie #costume @ New York Comic Con #NYCC 2011
RT @onebrightlight: Not sure of the last time I saw a zombie wielding a knife.
RT @onebrightlight: Not sure of the last time I saw a zombie wielding a knife.
For those Zombie fans out there, The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 primers tonight! :D
For those Zombie fans out there, The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1 primers tonight! :D
@yukiaime good, good! Wherever and whenever that may be. Hahaha! Good morning, btw. Zombie-mode ko ron, still awake at 1
@yukiaime good, good! Wherever and whenever that may be.Hahaha! Good morning, btw. Zombie-mode ko ron, still awake at 1
Woke up pissed cuz i wanted to continue my raw ass dream where i was zombie killin! Best dream Ive ever had cuhh! #AllKn
Woke up pissed cuz i wanted to continue my raw ass dream where i was zombie killin! Best dream Ive ever had cuhh!#AllKn
@ChadDarnell Now Im really sad I couldnt be a zombie today.
@ChadDarnell Now Im really sad I couldnt be a zombie today.
Minha mae nao deixo eu sair com meu Zombie Walk"
Minha mae nao deixo eu sair com meu Zombie Walk"
esa cara de mi FOTO" que mierda , es una face como de ZOMBIE Y ENFERMITO xd O___________O
esa cara de mi FOTO" que mierda , es una face como de ZOMBIE Y ENFERMITO xd O___________O
Friday, October 14, 2011
@JBReal12 oh Its a freain Zombie cat in my driveway
@JBReal12 oh Its a freain Zombie cat in my driveway
O @almeidoim sobre o Zombie Walk me broxando: parece o monobloco no ultimo dia de carnaval
O @almeidoim sobre o Zombie Walk me broxando: parece o monobloco no ultimo dia de carnaval
@_ChowBella_ might be a good time to start making zombie barbies again #thewalkingdead
@_ChowBella_ might be a good time to start making zombie barbies again #thewalkingdead
Zombie Life , iBooth for iPad , and Birzzle Pandora are Todays FREE Apps!
Zombie Life , iBooth for iPad , and Birzzle Pandora are Todays FREE Apps!
This is my second play through and my character is a LVL 40 Logan
I primarily focus on throwing (30% extra damage, 30% crit chance and no durability loss?fuck yeah!). So anyway I randomly join a nearby group just for shits and giggles. The three fellows I join happen to all have mics and are keeping up a steady conversation - in Spanish, of which I do not speak a word. So I leave my mic off and just follow around killing zombies at will.
as tired as i am of zombie related everything, there will always be part of me that half-expects every day to wake up to
as tired as i am of zombie related everything, there will always be part of me that half-expects every day to wake up to
Disney Channel is making a Zombie show?!? #WowIMustBeRunningAFeverAndAmDelusionalToBeBelievingThisIsReal #fb
Disney Channel is making a Zombie show?!? #WowIMustBeRunningAFeverAndAmDelusionalToBeBelievingThisIsReal #fb
@Qiayz a zombie always never get on here when i do, i dont shut use twitter as a break while i create HIts.
@Qiayz a zombie always never get on here when i do, i dont shut use twitter as a break while i create HIts.
Sooo tired :( gonna be a zombie at work the day xxxx
Sooo tired :( gonna be a zombie at work the day xxxx
Thursday, October 13, 2011
No, thanks. Haha. Zombie is scary enough without any attributes "@iyamirham: U scaring me!.. Do u need any horn or
No, thanks.Haha. Zombie is scary enough without any attributes "@iyamirham: U scaring me!.. Do u need any horn or
¿Alguién va el sábado a la #ZombieWalk? #zombie #santiago #chile
¿Alguién va el sábado a la #ZombieWalk? #zombie #santiago #chile
I LOVE #Tennis woop, woop! RT"@Leirissa: Tennis // Tell Her No (Zombie cover) - new song #indie #lo-fi ;
I LOVE #Tennis woop, woop! RT"@Leirissa: Tennis // Tell Her No (Zombie cover) - new song #indie #lo-fi ;
Me mandaron a dibujar hoy y dibuje un zombie, un arco iris, el simbolo de la paz y un unicornio llamado alpaca<3
Me mandaron a dibujar hoy y dibuje un zombie, un arco iris, el simbolo de la paz y un unicornio llamado alpaca<3
whats in your your head-zombie, zombie, zombie? #acousticsessions
whats in your your head-zombie, zombie, zombie? #acousticsessions
RT @TVbytheNumbers: Syfy To Launch New Holiday Themed Original Movies Beginning With Zombie Apocalypse, On October 29
RT @TVbytheNumbers: Syfy To Launch New Holiday Themed Original Movies Beginning With Zombie Apocalypse, On October 29
RT @xYNNEJx: In my past life, Im pretty sure I was a zombie. In the morning, I can still speak the language.
RT @xYNNEJx: In my past life, Im pretty sure I was a zombie. In the morning, I can still speak the language.
Dear Sleep, Ill be oh so happy when you return to my life. Perhaps Sunday evening when can meet again? Ok. Great. Sincer
Dear Sleep, Ill be oh so happy when you return to my life.Perhaps Sunday evening when can meet again? Ok. Great. Sincer
Vannacht maar 4,5 uurtjes slaap, kan er nog niet aan wennen hoor #zombie
Vannacht maar 4,5 uurtjes slaap, kan er nog niet aan wennen hoor #zombie
Fck Im wake up like a zombie tomorrow, if I even fall asleep :/
Fck Im wake up like a zombie tomorrow, if I even fall asleep :/
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Music = Life / Zombie My favorite song by TPR! They sound so awesome live! via @pinterest <3
Music = Life / Zombie My favorite song by TPR! They sound so awesome live! via @pinterest <3
I can never go to sleep early and then i feel like a zombie in the morning!
I can never go to sleep early and then i feel like a zombie in the morning!
Zombie Kills you again RT @KingMoeMoney U killed me but im resurrected RT @TomaTuJuicyToto: @KingMoeMoney smh Idk what y
Zombie Kills you again RT @KingMoeMoney U killed me but im resurrected RT @TomaTuJuicyToto: @KingMoeMoney smh Idk what y
@ChadMMurray it looks like the zombie just grabbed her hair and lifted her up
@ChadMMurray it looks like the zombie just grabbed her hair and lifted her up
Típico que el día que tengo la cara de zombie más terrible ever, está el chico guapo del kiosco y me obligan a bajar
Típico que el día que tengo la cara de zombie más terrible ever, está el chico guapo del kiosco y me obligan a bajar
Arm yourself! S2 of The Walking Dead on Sunday! @WalkingDead_AMC @amc_tv. The anticipation is killing me. Better than a
Arm yourself! S2 of The Walking Dead on Sunday! @WalkingDead_AMC @amc_tv. The anticipation is killing me. Better than a
Sigo esperando el apocalipsis zombie que me permita decapitar políticos sin tener que ir a la cárcel.
Sigo esperando el apocalipsis zombie que me permita decapitar políticos sin tener que ir a la cárcel.
Next year, I shall be a zombie with half of my face an open wound. >:) Finally im being something nice after 3 years
Next year, I shall be a zombie with half of my face an open wound.>:) Finally im being something nice after 3 years
@elengor84 que te parece la promoción española de The Walking Dead?
@elengor84 que te parece la promoción española de The Walking Dead?
zombie walk this Saturday at the fremont whos going?!?!
zombie walk this Saturday at the fremont whos going?!?!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
@YizuzCraist No padre, un zombie de Romero es lo más alto, más bien es un zombie de película de Capulina.
@YizuzCraist No padre, un zombie de Romero es lo más alto, más bien es un zombie de película de Capulina.
Eso de cargar con niños en un Apocalipsis la neta no está cool :/
Eso de cargar con niños en un Apocalipsis la neta no está cool :/
@FTTank @DenisTalbot quelquun de vous deux peut-il me dire le titre de la chanson de zombie qui jouait à @RadioTalbot ?
@FTTank @DenisTalbot quelquun de vous deux peut-il me dire le titre de la chanson de zombie qui jouait à @RadioTalbot?
@Busideurquidi jajajaja no sé mi busetitaaaaa estoy en modo zombie desde ayer en la tarde ♥.♥
@Busideurquidi jajajaja no sé mi busetitaaaaa estoy en modo zombie desde ayer en la tarde ♥.♥
Have you signed up to be a Zombie in our Zombie Hazardous Materials Exercise? Click on the link to see what it
Have you signed up to be a Zombie in our Zombie Hazardous Materials Exercise?Click on the link to see what it
16 zombie actors injured on Resident Evil set - World news via @maildotcom
16 zombie actors injured on Resident Evil set - World news via @maildotcom
@annnaredddan i look demented . a moulding zombie.
@annnaredddan i look demented .a moulding zombie.
Zombie Apocalypse [Online Game Code]: Zombie Apocalypse [Online Game Code]Rating: Sale Price: $ Zombie
Zombie Apocalypse [Online Game Code]: Zombie Apocalypse [Online Game Code]Rating: Sale Price: $ Zombie
@ayusn_ mau beli serba domo,angry birds,plant vs zombie with special price! bsa visit us on Fb : Emerentia MeckShop yaa!
@ayusn_ mau beli serba domo,angry birds,plant vs zombie with special price! bsa visit us on Fb : Emerentia MeckShop yaa!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Creo que hoy me quiso atacar un ¿zombie? For real. No kidding.
Creo que hoy me quiso atacar un ¿zombie?For real. No kidding.
JUST got my free Zombie Lane Hack Tool. You can get yours now at
JUST got my free Zombie Lane Hack Tool. You can get yours now at
RT @fanquifungus: que feo ese momento en que estas atrapado y escuchas el aaagggrrr de un zombie
RT @fanquifungus: que feo ese momento en que estas atrapado y escuchas el aaagggrrr de un zombie
My Zombie Insurance. "Zombies dont care, we do ". Better check the small print though.
My Zombie Insurance. "Zombies dont care, we do ".Better check the small print though.
List of tips for surviving Dead Island that I've discovered
Feel free to add any that I have not listed here.
-You can one-shot thugs 90% of the time with a point blank shotgun shell to the head.
-Use back jump to dodge backwards when fighting thugs, left/right jump to dodge to the side for Rams.
-Throwing your weapon causes no durability damage.
-Jump kick zombies will cause them to fall every time, including Suiciders (use the back jump dodge trick after jump-kicking a suicider so you don't blow up too).
-When a Butcher starts slashing towards you, you can dodge to the side and start beating him down.He continues to slash forward in the same direction without turning around until he's done with that attack.
So its apparent I cant sleep without hubby. Hope hes not too late home or Ill resemble a zombie tomorrow #morethanusual
So its apparent I cant sleep without hubby.Hope hes not too late home or Ill resemble a zombie tomorrow #morethanusual
Sunday, October 9, 2011
vamos :$ RT @Kikeu: la verga: "Reybert Carrillo te invitó al evento "Mérida Zombie Walk HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARE&
vamos :$ RT @Kikeu: la verga: "Reybert Carrillo te invitó al evento "Mérida Zombie Walk HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARE&
Ngeronda cyiiiiinnn :)) RT @novieaprilianza: Banget,efek tdr mlm cuma 2 jam :(( RT @qiqiwulandari: Zombie lah yaaaa :p R
Ngeronda cyiiiiinnn :)) RT @novieaprilianza: Banget,efek tdr mlm cuma 2 jam :(( RT @qiqiwulandari: Zombie lah yaaaa :p R
I favorited a @YouTube video The Cranberries - Zombie
I favorited a @YouTube video The Cranberries - Zombie
@FanpRecords soy vampiro zombie ninja. No necesitamos Dormir :D pero gracias por la sugerencia :)
@FanpRecords soy vampiro zombie ninja.No necesitamos Dormir :D pero gracias por la sugerencia :)
So I met this girl tonight thats supposed to be in the next Vin Diesel movie, and next Rob Zombie
So I met this girl tonight thats supposed to be in the next Vin Diesel movie, and next Rob Zombie
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I feel like Im in a zombie movie everytime I come to the grocery store after working Saturday night shift
I feel like Im in a zombie movie everytime I come to the grocery store after working Saturday night shift
RT @MSRheinlander -> #Book Review: My Life As A White Trash Zombie
RT @MSRheinlander -> #Book Review: My Life As A White Trash Zombie
@86Savvy86 I know RT twitter ppl might think that ur a zombie
@86Savvy86 I know RT twitter ppl might think that ur a zombie
Estoy en estado mega zombie!! no he dormido NADA! Y sigo medio mareada y no qiero ni ver cmo sta mi :( jaja pro q buena
Estoy en estado mega zombie!! no he dormido NADA! Y sigo medio mareada y no qiero ni ver cmo sta mi :( jaja pro q buena
Yo Zombies! Theres a new Zombie American movie at Spooky Me"!!! Also 4:00pm "ZOMBO" screening. Of my fav
Yo Zombies!Theres a new Zombie American movie at Spooky Me"!!! Also 4:00pm "ZOMBO" screening. Of my fav
On the weekends Im up early no problem but when I gotta go to work Im a zombie. Smh
On the weekends Im up early no problem but when I gotta go to work Im a zombie.Smh
@MargaritaRose_ , haha its called Slither . Its like a gross zombie one that eats people .... She was laughing at me :(
@MargaritaRose_ , haha its called Slither . Its like a gross zombie one that eats people ....She was laughing at me :(
Friday, October 7, 2011
@prof_elemental - this dude is a trip! I wanna hear a song about the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! - check em out!
@prof_elemental - this dude is a trip! I wanna hear a song about the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! - check em out!
@pablodied Viste al tremendo zombie que anda dando vueltas por tumblr?
@pablodied Viste al tremendo zombie que anda dando vueltas por tumblr?
@ClaraGrima @kurioso Me pasó en un Beers con Pampa, un amigo le preguntó ¿cuando nos presentarás a ese amigo tuyo fr
@ClaraGrima @kurioso Me pasó en un Beers con Pampa, un amigo le preguntó ¿cuando nos presentarás a ese amigo tuyo fr
RT @thepatbrown: Zombie walk into the house straight to the bed. ZzzZzzzzzzZzZzzz
RT @thepatbrown: Zombie walk into the house straight to the bed. ZzzZzzzzzzZzZzzz
RT @NAToriousss I feel like a zombie and wanna sleep so I can
RT @NAToriousss I feel like a zombie and wanna sleep so I can
okok RT: @dudeph: cpt sembuh :D RT @aidiljack: iya nih,,kirain gak bisa sakit RT: @dudeph: sakit zombie????? GWS tern
okok RT: @dudeph: cpt sembuh :D RT @aidiljack: iya nih,,kirain gak bisa sakit RT: @dudeph: sakit zombie????? GWS tern
Thursday, October 6, 2011
@magicprotour she was a teenage zombie by the Murderdolls?
@magicprotour she was a teenage zombie by the Murderdolls?
RT @TIME: IBM aims to build an artificial human brain within 10 years, presumably as food for zombie robots |
RT @TIME: IBM aims to build an artificial human brain within 10 years, presumably as food for zombie robots |
@NayitOcasanova @Jessi_Marin @patitaparra siii es jesi la zombie hasta pega!!
@NayitOcasanova @Jessi_Marin @patitaparra siii es jesi la zombie hasta pega!!
THE LIVING DEAD - Put your zombie face on and come help us out with an upcoming project at Volunteer Calgary. Call Aden
THE LIVING DEAD - Put your zombie face on and come help us out with an upcoming project at Volunteer Calgary. Call Aden
✌ Ya gotta see #DVD {Scooby Doo on Zombie Island} ($) #Warner DVD Movie ⇒
✌ Ya gotta see #DVD {Scooby Doo on Zombie Island} ($) #Warner DVD Movie ⇒
@xxnazura Heheh~ Die gigit aku, pastu jadi zombie. Okay :)
@xxnazura Heheh~ Die gigit aku, pastu jadi zombie. Okay :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
@MahMPS deve ser kk mais também uso uma capinha etc :) Vo sair tem que durmi se não amanha um zombie vai pra escola kk
@MahMPS deve ser kk mais também uso uma capinha etc :) Vo sair tem que durmi se não amanha um zombie vai pra escola kk
PROTIP: You can scale most rock formations easily by having your back to them and jumping backwards
Also, with a shotgun I tend to aim for a leg or knee of a zombie. For some reason it counts as an instant kill about 95% of the time (and it's just fun to watch them do a frontflip)
RT @ddlovato: Rainy day, zombie movies, pumpkin spice candles, and vanilla chai I love october!
RT @ddlovato: Rainy day, zombie movies, pumpkin spice candles, and vanilla chai I love october!
RT @AliveAndUndead: Zombie Apocalypse Is your house prepared? (Too damn funny) -
RT @AliveAndUndead: Zombie Apocalypse Is your house prepared? (Too damn funny) -
@Yetto_Zombie Vientos un lector más que se preparó para el apocalipsis zombie! Yo leí el Zombie Combat Manual!
@Yetto_Zombie Vientos un lector más que se preparó para el apocalipsis zombie! Yo leí el Zombie Combat Manual!
@SabrinaO0318: I didnt see a shotgun on the zombie disaster toolkit list. My toolkit requires firearms.
@SabrinaO0318: I didnt see a shotgun on the zombie disaster toolkit list.My toolkit requires firearms.
Feels like we are in a zombie movie. Nobody is out on the roads here in west #needmoreradiostations
Feels like we are in a zombie movie.Nobody is out on the roads here in west #needmoreradiostations
Cannot go to sleep. Thinking this is my body telling me I am to old not to gave a regular sleep cycle. #longday #gottana
Cannot go to sleep. Thinking this is my body telling me I am to old not to gave a regular sleep cycle.#longday #gottana
@Moochie_Moo if a) my eye balls fall out or b) i become some kind of flesh eating zombie. Im holding you accountable
@Moochie_Moo if a) my eye balls fall out or b) i become some kind of flesh eating zombie. Im holding you accountable
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Participando da competição Zombie Safe House da Ápice kkkk muito, muito foda!
Participando da competição Zombie Safe House da Ápice kkkk muito, muito foda!
@Kalish_Baal "La danse des morts"? Sinon, plus Alias-staïle : "Jouons zombie" ou "Zombie la mo
@Kalish_Baal "La danse des morts"? Sinon, plus Alias-staïle : "Jouons zombie" ou "Zombie la mo
@IxcheliZa OMG! Como recién nacido! Que te sea leve tu día nena y no estés en calidad tan de zombie
@IxcheliZa OMG!Como recién nacido! Que te sea leve tu día nena y no estés en calidad tan de zombie
Primeras 500 entradas vendidas!!!!! Bien, bien, Recordaros que en venta anticipada están a 20 € y
Primeras 500 entradas vendidas!!!!!Bien, bien, Recordaros que en venta anticipada están a 20 € y
Monday, October 3, 2011
Two new updates on my YouTube channel: One Man Capture and "Moon Walking" Zombie. Check them out. #Drasadex
Two new updates on my YouTube channel: One Man Capture and "Moon Walking" Zombie. Check them out. #Drasadex
@Jen_Bennett Look on the bright side, if youre not there you wont have to worry when the Zombie Monkeys attack! Crazy mo
@Jen_Bennett Look on the bright side, if youre not there you wont have to worry when the Zombie Monkeys attack! Crazy mo
RT @DoctorKilo: Mes del horror, la Dieta del Zombie: zom-bien buenas las arepas, zom-bien sabrosas las cachapas, zom-bie
RT @DoctorKilo: Mes del horror, la Dieta del Zombie: zom-bien buenas las arepas, zom-bien sabrosas las cachapas, zom-bie
What's the best way to take down Thug's?
I should probably have clarified that I have taken down several thugs by both dodging attacks and jumping them and blowing up propane tanks in their face. I just wanted to know if their was an easier way, like smashing their legs or something to incapate them. I dunno, love all the advices though, much love!
@NWCN First ever Charity Zombie Walk in Arlington. Please Help spread the word
@NWCN First ever Charity Zombie Walk in Arlington.Please Help spread the word
@catcoachclv this weekend I went to the movies and I saw Josh Brandenburg and Jacob McGee getting tickets to lion king 3
@catcoachclv this weekend I went to the movies and I saw Josh Brandenburg and Jacob McGee getting tickets to lion king 3
Seems like someone just saw Lion Kind 3d! @heckyeahgirl I mean a Rafiki is pretty cool! I like the outside the box think
Seems like someone just saw Lion Kind 3d! @heckyeahgirl I mean a Rafiki is pretty cool! I like the outside the box think
Saw Lion King 3D last night with @kneezurr and like I was a little girl seeing it for the first happy #PR9anya
Saw Lion King 3D last night with @kneezurr and like I was a little girl seeing it for the first happy #PR9anya
Just saw The three musketeers in 3D and it was great ;D
Just saw The three musketeers in 3D and it was great ;D
@vforvelvetta never been into Harry Potter, I havent even read one book, only saw the last one cos it was imax 3D, prett
@vforvelvetta never been into Harry Potter, I havent even read one book, only saw the last one cos it was imax 3D, prett
@mkerstein i saw that movie in 3d (more because it was the only convent time) but it was still epic to watch in 3d
@mkerstein i saw that movie in 3d (more because it was the only convent time) but it was still epic to watch in 3d
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Jyst saw a commercial for "Puss and Boots 3d"...damn I miss #don
Jyst saw a commercial for "Puss and Boots 3d"...damn I miss #don
Just saw The Lion King 3D with my daughter. Its still a great movie.
Just saw The Lion King 3D with my daughter.Its still a great movie.
@aly_xandra lol I cried too, like right as "the circle of life" began playing. But the 3D was pointless. I for
@aly_xandra lol I cried too, like right as "the circle of life" began playing. But the 3D was pointless.I for
RT @smoshanthony: Just saw a guy walking around sporting 3D glasses. Maybe hes trying to see what real life would be lik
RT @smoshanthony: Just saw a guy walking around sporting 3D glasses. Maybe hes trying to see what real life would be lik
RT @dearLea_: Having a Lea day with @MarionheartLea ♥ We saw Lea, now were walking along the streets of Paris, and the
RT @dearLea_: Having a Lea day with @MarionheartLea ♥ We saw Lea, now were walking along the streets of Paris, and the
Nonton sendiri aja :p RT @Andhinimartha: @amelmartha_ Hahahaa kalau ngga nanti nonton SAW 3D aja, dhini ...
Nonton sendiri aja :p RT @Andhinimartha: @amelmartha_ Hahahaa kalau ngga nanti nonton SAW 3D aja, dhini...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Photoset: here is our beautiful, beautiful baby boy! we finally saw him in 3D today and he’s
Photoset: here is our beautiful, beautiful baby boy!we finally saw him in 3D today and he’s
@MomSpark: I have a wonderful time with my oldest son today. We saw The Lion King 3D, went bowling #mommyblog
@MomSpark: I have a wonderful time with my oldest son today.We saw The Lion King 3D, went bowling #mommyblog
Lmao someone went to the restroom with it RT @thats_eric: Just saw Kim 3D!!!
Lmao someone went to the restroom with it RT @thats_eric: Just saw Kim 3D!!!
@asianGLEEK haha! I saw Glee Live 3D but no Lea! She went to Versailles (my city) when I went to Paris and came back whe
@asianGLEEK haha!I saw Glee Live 3D but no Lea! She went to Versailles (my city) when I went to Paris and came back whe
Au Palais des Sciences de Monastir: La Semaine du Film3D Commence, 11 Films 3D et 12 Projections : SAW 7,
Au Palais des Sciences de Monastir: La Semaine du Film3D Commence, 11 Films 3D et 12 Projections : SAW 7,
saw the lion king in 3D tonight on the titian big screen. oh-so-good! #thelionking
saw the lion king in 3D tonight on the titian big screen. oh-so-good! #thelionking
Just saw "The Lion King" in 3D with Dom. It was sooooo amazing. Ah brought back so many childhood memories! No
Just saw "The Lion King" in 3D with Dom. It was sooooo amazing.Ah brought back so many childhood memories! No
Just saw the map function on twitter felt lyk m watching chota chetan in 3D !!
Just saw the map function on twitter felt lyk m watching chota chetan in 3D!!
@SPN_Sherry I was in Durham, NC before. I saw Imax 3D Harry Potter. I think its 150 miles at least to that here. (Troy,
@SPN_Sherry I was in Durham, NC before. I saw Imax 3D Harry Potter. I think its 150 miles at least to that here. (Troy,
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