Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hands on with "Dead Island"
Well, I played it the other week at E3 and can tell you exactly what it is: A first-person action-RPG with a focus on melee combat and weapon crafting.Oh, and you can play it online with three buddies, with drop-in/drop-out co-op.
Well, I played it the other week at E3 and can tell you exactly what it is: A first-person action-RPG with a focus on melee combat and weapon crafting.Oh, and you can play it online with three buddies, with drop-in/drop-out co-op.
Deep Silver Presents "The Science of Zombies" at Comic Con 2011
LARKSPUR, Ca. - Hmmmm Brainnnnsss. Today Deep Silver announced it will host a panel at Comic Con 2011 that promises to blend the pop culture fascination with zombies with realities of medical science titled, "The Science of Zombies." The panel will take place in room 8 of the San Diego Convention Center on July 22 at 7:30 p.m. and will explore society's fascination with the Zombie genre as a whole, and demonstrate how creative talent are harnessing medical science to define and explore horror entertainment in more realistic (and therefore more frightening and engaging) ways.
LARKSPUR, Ca. - Hmmmm Brainnnnsss. Today Deep Silver announced it will host a panel at Comic Con 2011 that promises to blend the pop culture fascination with zombies with realities of medical science titled, "The Science of Zombies." The panel will take place in room 8 of the San Diego Convention Center on July 22 at 7:30 p.m. and will explore society's fascination with the Zombie genre as a whole, and demonstrate how creative talent are harnessing medical science to define and explore horror entertainment in more realistic (and therefore more frightening and engaging) ways.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dead Island Trailer Wins Gold Award At Cannes
When Dead Island's original announcement trailer released in February it created quite a stir. Some praised it for it's stunning animation, ingenious use of a music, reverse slow motion and how it all came together to depict an emotional, beautiful, yet gruesomely violent scene.Still others were distressed in the use and death of a fictional child in the animated film. While it became a viral success and and gave great hype to Dead Island, Polish developer Techland found themselves on the defensive and had to explain that children will not die in the game.
When Dead Island's original announcement trailer released in February it created quite a stir. Some praised it for it's stunning animation, ingenious use of a music, reverse slow motion and how it all came together to depict an emotional, beautiful, yet gruesomely violent scene.Still others were distressed in the use and death of a fictional child in the animated film. While it became a viral success and and gave great hype to Dead Island, Polish developer Techland found themselves on the defensive and had to explain that children will not die in the game.
E3 2011 Preview: Dead Island
We've only seen a few glimpses of how the whole game is structured from beginning to end, but with word that you can use a vehicle to travel around, this sounds like it'll be more than just a cooperative game where you drop back to the lobby after finishing a "level".There's an ongoing adventure here between the game's four characters, each with their own specialties, talent trees, and personalities. I get the feeling that the success of Dead Island could rely a lot on how that all works when four random people get into a game together; does each player have their own persistent characters? Can there be two versions of Sam B in the same session together? Can you take weapons and levels from one multiplayer session into the next?
We've only seen a few glimpses of how the whole game is structured from beginning to end, but with word that you can use a vehicle to travel around, this sounds like it'll be more than just a cooperative game where you drop back to the lobby after finishing a "level".There's an ongoing adventure here between the game's four characters, each with their own specialties, talent trees, and personalities. I get the feeling that the success of Dead Island could rely a lot on how that all works when four random people get into a game together; does each player have their own persistent characters? Can there be two versions of Sam B in the same session together? Can you take weapons and levels from one multiplayer session into the next?
"Dead Island" Demo Leaves Stronger Zombie Cravings
I was roughly 300 yards away from the first-aid site, so I couldn't even finish the mission. While five minutes doesn't sound like the most ideal amount of time to spend on a much-talked about title what I was able to get out of Dead Island was a good taste of its fast-paced gameplay and heart-stopping horror that will hopefully make this game stand out from all the others. The September release date is getting closer as we speak, so it will only be a matter of time before we see if Dead Island really can become king of the zombie gaming titles.
I was roughly 300 yards away from the first-aid site, so I couldn't even finish the mission. While five minutes doesn't sound like the most ideal amount of time to spend on a much-talked about title what I was able to get out of Dead Island was a good taste of its fast-paced gameplay and heart-stopping horror that will hopefully make this game stand out from all the others. The September release date is getting closer as we speak, so it will only be a matter of time before we see if Dead Island really can become king of the zombie gaming titles.
"Dead Island" Demo Leaves Stronger Zombie Cravings
As the demo was only five minutes long my time with the game was very short.Judging by the A.I. I witnessed in this game I can honestly say that most of the tasks that will be given to you will be easier said than done. Dead Island aims to add a sort of realism unseen in the majority of zombie survival games, leaving players to think on their quickest instincts with only the tiniest moment to spare a thought process. While this will add a whole new level of challenging aspects to the genre I can already foresee some folks complaining about its difficulty level.
As the demo was only five minutes long my time with the game was very short.Judging by the A.I. I witnessed in this game I can honestly say that most of the tasks that will be given to you will be easier said than done. Dead Island aims to add a sort of realism unseen in the majority of zombie survival games, leaving players to think on their quickest instincts with only the tiniest moment to spare a thought process. While this will add a whole new level of challenging aspects to the genre I can already foresee some folks complaining about its difficulty level.
Friday, July 22, 2011
"Dead Island" Demo Leaves Stronger Zombie Cravings
Both Techland and Deep Silver did an amazing job with the realistic elements in nail'd, so it comes as no surprise that the graphics in Dead Island look nothing short of stellar. The gore factors of Dead Island come by the bucket loads, with each smack you lay down on the zombies leaving pools of blood on the ground and sometimes all over the screen. Props must also be given to the audio quality of the game, with each thwack and splatter fitting into the proper action happening on-screen.
Both Techland and Deep Silver did an amazing job with the realistic elements in nail'd, so it comes as no surprise that the graphics in Dead Island look nothing short of stellar. The gore factors of Dead Island come by the bucket loads, with each smack you lay down on the zombies leaving pools of blood on the ground and sometimes all over the screen. Props must also be given to the audio quality of the game, with each thwack and splatter fitting into the proper action happening on-screen.
MVG 2011 Selection: Dead Island preview – hands-on with the co-op mode that could be better than Left 4 Dead
Another great aspect is deteriorating weapons. Not only do weapons become less effective over time, but we could actually see our tools of destruction falling apart before our eyes. One mace we used had bent and missing nails, prompting us to find a new one. Also, one strategy (usually inspired by desperation) is throwing melee weapons to either finish or slow down approaching zombies. Guns are few and far between; and when purchased, rather expensive.It's clear that Deep Silver wants to place gamers in a situation where high powered rifles and buckets of ammo aren't simply lying around, and on an island resort this definitely makes sense.
Another great aspect is deteriorating weapons. Not only do weapons become less effective over time, but we could actually see our tools of destruction falling apart before our eyes. One mace we used had bent and missing nails, prompting us to find a new one. Also, one strategy (usually inspired by desperation) is throwing melee weapons to either finish or slow down approaching zombies. Guns are few and far between; and when purchased, rather expensive.It's clear that Deep Silver wants to place gamers in a situation where high powered rifles and buckets of ammo aren't simply lying around, and on an island resort this definitely makes sense.
E3 2011 Preview: Dead Island
I should probably stop name-dropping other games, because while Dead Island feels like it's borrowing the best from a wide range of great (and successful) games, the end effect is one that winds up feeling entirely unique. The four characters you can play as are immune to the zombie virus, so you guys are the ones tasked with doing most of the dangerous stuff on the tropical island of Banoi. Your quests are usually given by the few survivors that aren't immune; they often cower in the few areas of the island not infested by zombies.As you complete these missions, you level up and find and create new weapons and gear; it's not exactly Diablo or Borderlands when it comes to loot diversity, but there's definitely a strong sense of progression, especially in the talents that you choose - and each set of talents is unique to each of the four playable characters.
I should probably stop name-dropping other games, because while Dead Island feels like it's borrowing the best from a wide range of great (and successful) games, the end effect is one that winds up feeling entirely unique. The four characters you can play as are immune to the zombie virus, so you guys are the ones tasked with doing most of the dangerous stuff on the tropical island of Banoi. Your quests are usually given by the few survivors that aren't immune; they often cower in the few areas of the island not infested by zombies.As you complete these missions, you level up and find and create new weapons and gear; it's not exactly Diablo or Borderlands when it comes to loot diversity, but there's definitely a strong sense of progression, especially in the talents that you choose - and each set of talents is unique to each of the four playable characters.
Dead Island PC Preodering Now Available
Preordering Dead Island will give you the exclusive preorder weapon; the Ripper (a bat/buzzsaw), perfect for kicking zombie butt.You will also receive a copy of the first DLC pack, Bloodbath Arena, which a seperate game mode with four arenas where yu go up against waves of zombies and collect weapons, money and XP that you can carry back over to the regular game.
Preordering Dead Island will give you the exclusive preorder weapon; the Ripper (a bat/buzzsaw), perfect for kicking zombie butt.You will also receive a copy of the first DLC pack, Bloodbath Arena, which a seperate game mode with four arenas where yu go up against waves of zombies and collect weapons, money and XP that you can carry back over to the regular game.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
"Dead Island" Demo Leaves Stronger Zombie Cravings
With a very small time limit I was given the tasks of saving one of my fellow survivors outside the safe haven, then proceed to the first-aid area to gather supplies.Before saving the other survivor your character grabs an oar for weaponry, and then proceed to head outside to bear witness to all the carnage. The undead ranged from the sluggishly slow to the split-second fast, sometimes making it hard to properly prepare yourself for attacks. Quickly I had my character swing their oar around to battle it out with the zombies.
With a very small time limit I was given the tasks of saving one of my fellow survivors outside the safe haven, then proceed to the first-aid area to gather supplies.Before saving the other survivor your character grabs an oar for weaponry, and then proceed to head outside to bear witness to all the carnage. The undead ranged from the sluggishly slow to the split-second fast, sometimes making it hard to properly prepare yourself for attacks. Quickly I had my character swing their oar around to battle it out with the zombies.
Dead Island delivers dark, fun action in single- and multiplayer
While the game veers towards the serious, it's an oddly fun battle for life and death. The game plays very differently when you add more players, but that's a good thing, and the ability to invite a friend into my game at any point is a major selling point. I keep thinking that I'm bored with co-op zombie games, but Dead Island has enough personality and variation on the idea to make me excited about playing more.
While the game veers towards the serious, it's an oddly fun battle for life and death. The game plays very differently when you add more players, but that's a good thing, and the ability to invite a friend into my game at any point is a major selling point. I keep thinking that I'm bored with co-op zombie games, but Dead Island has enough personality and variation on the idea to make me excited about playing more.
E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Dead Island preview – hands-on with the co-op mode that could be better than Left 4 Dead Although it's an island, the small city still has more traditional streets and alleys, giving the game a more familiar zombie game vibe. As we trekked toward the various objectives, we could realistically take any route we wanted to get there. The streets are filthy with sewers we could drop into and ladders we could climb; adding different strategies.
Dead Island delivers dark, fun action in single- and multiplayer
This is what a game demo should be: we were all sitting in comfortable chairs, leaning back, and just talking about the game. There was no hard sell, we just all grabbed controllers and went to work.Zombies were slain, trash talk began, and I enjoyed the more frantic pace of the game. We discussed which weapons we were using and why, and we delighted when someone killed a zombie in a particularly bloody way.
This is what a game demo should be: we were all sitting in comfortable chairs, leaning back, and just talking about the game. There was no hard sell, we just all grabbed controllers and went to work.Zombies were slain, trash talk began, and I enjoyed the more frantic pace of the game. We discussed which weapons we were using and why, and we delighted when someone killed a zombie in a particularly bloody way.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Preorder Dead Island from Amazon to score a digital art book
If you preorder the game from Amazon you'll be receiving a free digital art book that will feature "game art and concept art of everything from the characters, that fat tourist dude with the camera, zombie types, environment concepts" and much more, says a Deep Silver rep. You can check out two sample images from the art book below.
If you preorder the game from Amazon you'll be receiving a free digital art book that will feature "game art and concept art of everything from the characters, that fat tourist dude with the camera, zombie types, environment concepts" and much more, says a Deep Silver rep. You can check out two sample images from the art book below.
E3 2011: Deep Silver Swings For the Big Leagues with Dead Island
So what differentiates the game from the 4-player co-op experience you would get from Left 4 Dead? Let's break it down:
First, Dead Island is an open world environment…and when I say "open world", I need you to understand what that means for the game. The demo the four of us played was a single side quest that took about twenty minutes. When we got back to the safe zone after a harrowing afternoon of hacking and slashing zombies through tropical-paradise-turned-wasteland, we looked at the sector map for the area we were at, and we'd barely scratched the surface. The guy giving the demo said that map covered approximately 8-10% of the island's playable area. Massive.And from what we toured, there weren't a lot of duplicated areas or art assets used.
So what differentiates the game from the 4-player co-op experience you would get from Left 4 Dead? Let's break it down:
First, Dead Island is an open world environment…and when I say "open world", I need you to understand what that means for the game. The demo the four of us played was a single side quest that took about twenty minutes. When we got back to the safe zone after a harrowing afternoon of hacking and slashing zombies through tropical-paradise-turned-wasteland, we looked at the sector map for the area we were at, and we'd barely scratched the surface. The guy giving the demo said that map covered approximately 8-10% of the island's playable area. Massive.And from what we toured, there weren't a lot of duplicated areas or art assets used.
Hands On With Deus Ex and Dead Island
Towards the end of the demo I walked across a bridge into a bar on the beach that was filled with zombies.Despite how much of a bad idea I suspected it would be to aggravate them–especially since my current objective didn't require me to explore the bar– I tossed a machete into the brains of one zombie and pissed off the entire crowd. As they started to flood the bridge and I realized how badly I screwed myself by provoking the mob, I managed to crack two undead skulls just as they lunged at me and was in the middle of throwing another machete when the screen froze and told me my time was up.
Towards the end of the demo I walked across a bridge into a bar on the beach that was filled with zombies.Despite how much of a bad idea I suspected it would be to aggravate them–especially since my current objective didn't require me to explore the bar– I tossed a machete into the brains of one zombie and pissed off the entire crowd. As they started to flood the bridge and I realized how badly I screwed myself by provoking the mob, I managed to crack two undead skulls just as they lunged at me and was in the middle of throwing another machete when the screen froze and told me my time was up.
E3: Dead Island
The island's open environment occasionally offers multiple paths to get to a location. The scale is more reminiscent of Far Cry than Fallout 3, but there is plenty of fun to be had by exploring and seeing what you can get away with in the game world.The game's excellent mini-map keeps the player from feeling lost in Dead Island's large and dangerous world. It curves and redirects you to your objective, as you explore and walk along new paths.
The island's open environment occasionally offers multiple paths to get to a location. The scale is more reminiscent of Far Cry than Fallout 3, but there is plenty of fun to be had by exploring and seeing what you can get away with in the game world.The game's excellent mini-map keeps the player from feeling lost in Dead Island's large and dangerous world. It curves and redirects you to your objective, as you explore and walk along new paths.
E3 2011: Deep Silver Swings For the Big Leagues with Dead Island
Now people are getting their hands on the game, I can tell you that the game is going to give Left 4 Dead a run for its money when it releases on September 6th.As I went into the booth for the hands-on demo, I saw multiple "Best of Show Nominee" ribbons adorning the behind-closed-door area for Deep Silver, and I can't say that I don't agree.
Now people are getting their hands on the game, I can tell you that the game is going to give Left 4 Dead a run for its money when it releases on September 6th.As I went into the booth for the hands-on demo, I saw multiple "Best of Show Nominee" ribbons adorning the behind-closed-door area for Deep Silver, and I can't say that I don't agree.
Dead Island delivers dark, fun action in single- and multiplayer
Don't worry, once the zombie is dead you can pull out that ax and use it again. So that's nice. There are guns, but ammo is at a premium, so you'll want to use them sparingly while doing the majority of your attacks with knives and blunt objects. You'll also be able to upgrade your weapons at workbenches to create deadlier items.
Don't worry, once the zombie is dead you can pull out that ax and use it again. So that's nice. There are guns, but ammo is at a premium, so you'll want to use them sparingly while doing the majority of your attacks with knives and blunt objects. You'll also be able to upgrade your weapons at workbenches to create deadlier items.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Dead Island delivers dark, fun action in single- and multiplayer
Two different ways to play
The game changes depending on how you'd like to play. When I was alone in the single player game I enjoyed the more deliberate pace, and I rejected the few missions available during the demo to simply explore the island and play with the many improvised weapons while killing every zombie I saw. There is a heavy emphasis on melee weapons in this game, which means that the zombies get very close to you, and that's a nerve-wracking experience. It takes practice before you can judge the reach of the many weapons, but soon enough you'll be chopping off heads and legs, or taking out the shambling horrors with thrown weapons.
Two different ways to play
The game changes depending on how you'd like to play. When I was alone in the single player game I enjoyed the more deliberate pace, and I rejected the few missions available during the demo to simply explore the island and play with the many improvised weapons while killing every zombie I saw. There is a heavy emphasis on melee weapons in this game, which means that the zombies get very close to you, and that's a nerve-wracking experience. It takes practice before you can judge the reach of the many weapons, but soon enough you'll be chopping off heads and legs, or taking out the shambling horrors with thrown weapons.
Dead Island delivers dark, fun action in single- and multiplayer
While the game is still struggling to come out from under the shadow of its first trailer, we need to look at what the game delivers, not what we had speculated based on that short film. The truth of Dead Island is that the game is fun, and it manages to juggle the horror of the situation with a light-hearted sense of play. It sounds weird, but it works.
While the game is still struggling to come out from under the shadow of its first trailer, we need to look at what the game delivers, not what we had speculated based on that short film. The truth of Dead Island is that the game is fun, and it manages to juggle the horror of the situation with a light-hearted sense of play. It sounds weird, but it works.
E3: Dead Island
Dead Island's zombie apocalypse provides an unlikely pairing of serene environments and brutal encounters with the undead.
Dead Island's zombie apocalypse provides an unlikely pairing of serene environments and brutal encounters with the undead.
E3 top pick: Dead Island
Brand manager Peter Brolly from Deep Silver pointed out that from the workbench, you can also upgrade your weapons based on the cash you pick up from felled zombies and goals achieved.Where before I had a pitiful blade, I all of a sudden have a military grade knife with a serrated edge. Not enough to feel invincible, just brave enough to finally head outside.
Brand manager Peter Brolly from Deep Silver pointed out that from the workbench, you can also upgrade your weapons based on the cash you pick up from felled zombies and goals achieved.Where before I had a pitiful blade, I all of a sudden have a military grade knife with a serrated edge. Not enough to feel invincible, just brave enough to finally head outside.
Monday, July 11, 2011
E3 top pick: Dead Island
Dead Island spills over into RPG some as in addition to quests, there is a surprising depth in weapon and character progression. Before heading out, we visit a workbench to repair the various weapons we had.Expect workbenches to be scattered throughout Banoi.
Dead Island spills over into RPG some as in addition to quests, there is a surprising depth in weapon and character progression. Before heading out, we visit a workbench to repair the various weapons we had.Expect workbenches to be scattered throughout Banoi.
E3 2011: Impressions of Dead Island (Xbox 360) Going along the beach there were areas aside from the main path to explore. Zombies would drop loot in the form of cash and weapons, there were items also stored in coolers, handbags and so on. There are also appear to be some optional things, like saving people from zombies, that play out. I reached a part of the game where I also acquired duct tape and reached a work bench where I could repair, upgrade, or even craft new weapons.
Friday, July 8, 2011 Dead Island, the upcoming gruesome zombie action game with RPG elements by renowned developer Techland, combines first-person action with a heavy focus on melee combat, character development and customization of a vast array of weapons. All of these gameplay features are presented in a dark story inspired by classic zombie movies with a gritty and engrossing campaign that can be played with up to four players in co-op mode
Dead Island, to be released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC later this year, garnered a great deal of hype this February when Deep Silver first released the game's poignant trailer to widespread attention and praise.Though the game seems to be an interesting open world zombie killer, it appears to carry none of the gravitas of its trailer, based on an Ars Technica preview.
Dead Island, to be released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC later this year, garnered a great deal of hype this February when Deep Silver first released the game's poignant trailer to widespread attention and praise.Though the game seems to be an interesting open world zombie killer, it appears to carry none of the gravitas of its trailer, based on an Ars Technica preview.
E3 2011: Impressions of Dead Island (Xbox 360)
Yep, skill trees. One is for the Rage mode, something I didn't get a chance to use in the demo, but most of the skill tree seemed to allow longer use or additional bonuses for using Rage mode.There was a Combat skill tree where you could unlock the ability to do additional damage (initially with knives but depending on what you choose later, it looks like you can build towards specific weapons), Finally, there was a Survival skill tree which dealt with how much health packs worked and how much damage you could take.
Yep, skill trees. One is for the Rage mode, something I didn't get a chance to use in the demo, but most of the skill tree seemed to allow longer use or additional bonuses for using Rage mode.There was a Combat skill tree where you could unlock the ability to do additional damage (initially with knives but depending on what you choose later, it looks like you can build towards specific weapons), Finally, there was a Survival skill tree which dealt with how much health packs worked and how much damage you could take.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
E3 top pick: Dead Island
Howard doesn't know whether he is immune to becoming a zombie like we are, and he'll be damned if he's going to risk infection finding out.Therein lies his problem — Howard has been separated from his wife and kid. They're out there somewhere and they're alive, he can feel it. That's why he looks to us.
Howard doesn't know whether he is immune to becoming a zombie like we are, and he'll be damned if he's going to risk infection finding out.Therein lies his problem — Howard has been separated from his wife and kid. They're out there somewhere and they're alive, he can feel it. That's why he looks to us.
Hands On: Take a tropical vacation where you are the finest cuisine. gets an exclusive look at Dead Island at E3.
The one element I don't like is the repair element of your weapons. After using your weapons a certain amount of time they fail and break down. Now I do like the stamina meter and you have to be careful about how much you dash or run as well as bash zombies, so you can't just button mash or melee the hell out of your character with your weapons. Each character you can play as has their own special skills and attributes. There are different types of zombies as well. Also after you kill your enemies you can search their bodies for items and extra cash.You will need cash to buy new weapons, upgrades, items, and weapon repairs.
The one element I don't like is the repair element of your weapons. After using your weapons a certain amount of time they fail and break down. Now I do like the stamina meter and you have to be careful about how much you dash or run as well as bash zombies, so you can't just button mash or melee the hell out of your character with your weapons. Each character you can play as has their own special skills and attributes. There are different types of zombies as well. Also after you kill your enemies you can search their bodies for items and extra cash.You will need cash to buy new weapons, upgrades, items, and weapon repairs.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
DEAD ISLAND Box Art Shows a Zombie Infested Paradise This is Dead Island... a paradise to die for.
Yep, There's A Special Edition of Dead Island
The special edition brings with it unique cover art and an exclusive blueprint for a weapon called the Ripper - a baseball bat with a buzz saw attached to it. Head past the break for more details on the special edition and the Bloodbath Arena DLC.
The special edition brings with it unique cover art and an exclusive blueprint for a weapon called the Ripper - a baseball bat with a buzz saw attached to it. Head past the break for more details on the special edition and the Bloodbath Arena DLC.
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